Sunday, January 03, 2010

New Homesite

It has been an issue for me for some months now: I need a new homesite!

I removed everything already from the one I had before and just reserved a warm armchair at WordPress. looks like this:

Well, right now nothing fancy. Have to wait until i decide about everything and that will take a little time. The actual design doesn't take that much effort if you use WordPress. It's all the planning before.

So what is the very first stage of making own website: brainstorming, collecting info, tips, comparing with others and finally collapsing on the sofa.

For brainstorming I use XMind. Loads of fun. ;-) The Plan right now looks like a really ugly spider from Chernobyl (aka some extra-extra legs with lumps on). The Plan in my head looks even fuzzier. Sticking to the spider simile, like the net made by the spider on LSD.

What I actually do is to find some blogs about blogs, homesites about homesites. It's not that complicated to find them, they are numerous. That's the problem. There's too much info. I'm sitting on the sofa being overloaded and almost paralized. But the show must go on.

More updates about updates soon!