Friday, July 21, 2006

Fine music before rain listening to one of the mixes of Sydney Rome

Fine music before rain
Listening to one of the mixes of Sydney Rome. Good for contemplating...but the air is full of moisture and electricity, I started meditating 2 hours ago and I simply fell asleep after half an hour.
Now after rebooting the laptop Bekim called from Linnea's parents' place that it would be ok for me to stay at him in the begining (in Gothenburg) and I don't need to pay was very nice of him. I might as well check with the others, and I sent a request to Sall and the Vipassana Group
in Gothenburg too if anyone can help with this accomodation problem. But well, at least in the begining I can stay at Bekim, maybe sharing place with Mauritz in August. I strongly believe that nothing is impossible.

I'm building out some emergency exists already...exists from this present relationship you can see in this picture. :-)

Röyksopp in the mix. Fits the atmoshere of this sluggish, muggy afternoon with no sun in the sky. I think it is about to cry...

The sky over Strömstad harbour before rain: