Yet with the passage of time, several important teachings and traditions of the lineage, such as the Yogini tradition within the Drukpa Lineage have been lost. The teachings of the three mad yogis: i.e. Tsangnyon Heruka (1452–1507), Druknyon Kunga Legpa (also known as Drukpa Kunleg, 1455–1529) and Unyon Kunga Sangpo (1458–1532) are almost disappearing. Many Drukpa followers neither know much about the Three Divine Madmen nor about other enlightened masters of the Drukpa Lineage such as Gyalwa Yangonpa (1213–1258) and Gyalwa Lorepa (1187–1250), even many of the monks and nuns do not know their biographies. His Holiness said in one of the commitee meetings that “We, the holders and followers of the glorious Drukpa Lineage, have the great responsibility of preserving and ensuring that this spiritually rich lineage continues to flourish, internally by upholding the sacred practices and externally through Live to Love activities.”
The various enlightened masters and various monastic bodies seldom had the opportunity to work together to promote the lineage due to lack of proper communication among the different masters and various monasteries and nunneries.
Each year, ADC will be organized by and taking place at the different monasteries within the Drukpa Lineage. This year, the First ADC, will be taking place in Kathmandu, Nepal, on Druk Amitabha Mountain, near the holy Swayambhunath Stupa.
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