Monday, April 20, 2009

Teachings of Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche in Oslo

Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche has given teachings in Oslo (16th, 17th, 18th and 19th of April). I was so lucky that I could stay in Oslo during the whole period. First she came to give a public teaching at Paramita Buddhist Centre in the city of Oslo, and then she had a course at the Karma Shedrup Ling Retreat Centre. Her visit in Oslo ended with the groundbreaking ceremony for a new temple at Karma Tashi Ling. The last some days were therefore very intensive for me: learning a lot, being among dharmasisters and brothers, meditating and contemplating.
The Vajrayana sangha in Oslo is very strong and big compared to the other buddhist groups in Scandinavia (approx. 700 active members and many more people around these "registered" members). Please visit their homesite:


Unknown said...

Thought you might enjoy these clips of Rinpoche's teachings,


Judit Lingon said...

Thank you, Gregg!